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  • To see Christians cultivate and maintain a life of holiness and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in all the loveliness of His person and the perfection of His work


  • To make Jesus known through the preaching and demonstration of the gospel


  • To reach and influence the world by building a Christ-centered, Bible-based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life


  • Help establish the five-fold ministry in every church

  • Make the Word of God come alive in the life of every Christian by helping them discover and explore who they are in Christ Jesus


  • Bringing Heaven to Earth and making the supernatural natural through the demonstration of God’s power


  • Demonstrate to the body of Christ that Heaven and Earth and all that is in them belongs to our Father and we are the designated heir


  • Create a Platform where churches and men/women of God will benefit from one another - the body of Christ is one!

Name, Title

Core Values

The Goodness of God

Jesus Christ perfectly reveals the nature of God as a good father. God is good, independent of our circumstances.


Serving out of rest

We can be productive and effective on the outside because we have the peace and rest of God inside. Serving out of rest is spirit-led activity.


People matter

We love and value because we all matter to Jesus. We seek to exalt God and exhort man in everything we do.



We seek to excel in all that we do, because we have the mind and Spirit of Christ and are created in the image of God.


Pioneering spirit

In everything we seek to be innovative and at the forefront. We are geared to the times but anchored to the Rock.



We are committed to the truth that God is love and has given His Church supernatural power to bring individuals and nations into wholeness. The church should passionately pursue worldwide transformation in their God-given spheres of influence.


Kingdom of God

Every believer is in full-time ministry because God is advancing His Kingdom, not just building His Church. Our work and effort, whether big or small, inside or outside the church, is sacred and valuable to God.

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